Growth Strategy

Delivering constant flow of growth through allowing synergies that can multiply impact

For any business the real challenge comes in terms of scaling growth from its existing size on a consistent basis irrespective of disruptions, competition & market dynamics. Through our growth strategy service consultants we offer unmatched insights to aptly contrive long standing results.


Our growth strategy services are designed to upskill the sales function, enhance the customer experience & speed up the product release for your organisation

What are Growth Strategy Services?

For companies to achieve transformational growth a continued & dogged persistence coupled with nimble execution is required. For companies to outperform their peers growth must create value in coherence with return on investment. In all growth witnessed by the organisation must not only benefit their customers but also open up new opportunities for their employees & resources in order to fuel innovation continuously. Our growth strategy services are oriented to this top agenda for almost every business to have recurring cash flow and steady revenue growth. Certain attributes are significant for companies to embrace growth which we carefully examine through our growth strategy services and are outlined as below:

  • Pursuing growth during crisis
    • Through our experience of growth strategy services we have understood that departing from myths that growth cannot be pursued during the crisis and serve as a distraction is incorrect. Rather investing in growth during a financial downturn/economic crisis delivers best results for the organisations with healthy cash positions & balance sheets
  • Unlocking significant efficiencies required for growth
    • Typically most of the organisations are plagued through misconception of growth transformation taking longer than usual & is not cost effective. However, this may not be true as our growth strategy services enthuse discipline in an organisation to quickly unlock significant efficiency and capture short term revenue wins
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How to master growth strategies?

For any growth program to enter the inception phase it is important for organisations to focus & prioritise organic growth and specifically not the growth in general. Therefore, for C-suite leaders it is important to understand organisational pressures & priorities from cost concerns to regulatory issues to align better growth trajectory for their businesses. Our growth strategies are formulated to get the focus of C-level executives on growth and set clear goals through encouraging employees to work in more agile ways.

Our growth strategy services offer following value solutions for the clients in a way that we don't grow upon them but grow with them

  • Consumer Segmentation
    • The increased competition in today’s economic environment has compelled the client’s across the sectors to understand the consumer better. Our growth strategy services enables the client’s of all size of business whether big or small to determine consumer wise strategies for a shorter span of time to a long range plan.
  • Market Entry Roadmap
    • For expanding a business to new geographies, regions or markets the quintessential factor is to understand the major characteristics of same so that an apt strategy could be devised. We through our growth strategy consistently enable our client’s to learn about the market threats and opportunities before attempting entry to same.
  • Market Penetration
    • Growth is not only symbolized by venturing into a new geography but also by penetrating the market in a way that none of the competition has done so far. This difference margin creation rests as our growth strategy services unique value proposition for established as well as new market players.
  • Market Forecasting
    • The market uncertainties and disruptive forces need better estimations, in order the participants navigate the challenges and emerge successful for long term in their respective sectors. Our growth strategy services are apt to have better market estimates as we boast in depth research credentials to generate the forecasts at large backed by robust numbers.
  • Product Introduction & Extension
    • The challenges which unfurl in front of the market players and are common to distinct geographies lies in the introduction of new product followed by extension of the product for a longer horizon. We at growth strategy division are focused to address such challenges with pre-defined TAT and enable client’s with lasting results.

As we have helped organisations in building capabilities needed to transform the commercial & customer experience for long term we can develop learning journeys for organisations to build required skills in a repeatable & scalable way to witness a circular growth by leveraging our growth strategy services.

How we bring growth as a norm to your organisation

If you are not familiar yet with our growth strategy services benefits, here's an overview


Enhance skills of creators

Through our growth strategy services we try and engage with creators to enhance their skills and align their capabilities to build new products/services or business models aligned with holistic growth.


Aligning investments in growth pockets

It’s a given fact that investors are keen to invest in areas of proven growth or in areas having high growth potential. We help the C-suite executives to identify and continually allocate funds to such growth zones


Improving performers core capabilities

It is important to improve the core capabilities of organisation like sales, customer experience & products inline with market dynamics which is one of the key growth lens for our growth strategy services

More market research, advisory & consulting services to discover

At Eninrac, we offer a wide range of market research, advisory & consulting solutions, from Business Intelligence to Benchmarking services. We put ‘search’ in research to help expand your business with ease. Discover all the possibilities now.


Advisory & Consulting Services

Eninrac advisory & consulting services identify and qualify all opportunities offered by market discontinuities. Whether you are looking to maximize operational efficiency or invest in business growth, our experts can guide you through the process.

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Market Research Services

Market research is instrumental to determine opportunity for businesses. With Eninrac you get access to market information that is accurate & absolute in nature, processed from big data. Find the right market research service offering that matches your business.

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Transformation & Sustainability

For any successful transformation it is important to promote productive behaviour and skills which energise organisation's work force in a manner to achieve sustained results.

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Training & Pro-Bono Services

We support our pro-bono clients in exactly the same manner as we do for our standard clients offering full length and breadth of our services. Further, we don't only endeavour to train but provide an environment where people at businesses can learn, adapt, think & apply.

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Get in touch

For expert advice and tailored solutions to meet your needs, contact our Vice President.

For Research/Consulting

Ravi Shekhar

Managing Director at Eninrac

For Research & Consulting Enquiry

For Business Enquiry

Nitika Shrma

Vice President at Eninrac

Do you want to seek Eninrac assistance in helping you resolve some critical business issues? Engage with us and reach out to our experts by using the Request for Proposal (RFP) form.


Combine market knowledge and your skill to contribute value for end consumers


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