Change Management

Generating the ownership and fostering energy to make the change happen

We understand that organisations strive for congruence between their vision, beliefs and actions. Whenever there is a misalignment, comes a dissonance which is hard to counter. Therefore, our change management services helps in resolving issues, tracking progress, facilitating transparent & effective interactions leading to the desired management by the companies during change.


Between stimulus and response there is a space & in that space is our power to choose our response. Use our change management services to prepare better response system

What are Change Management Services?

Through our change management services we try and design a model that offers most practical & proven approach to handle change in response to any stimulus that your organisation is facing. The changes to stimulus can be directly linked to thought process of leaders,
communication & conviction level between leaders & employees, existence of support incentive, processes & systems in place for skill enhancement. This enables a change in mindset of senior leaders as well as employees in the organisation which is a swift enabler to change management. It includes following four key levers:

  • Identifying role models
    • This is done typically to enthuse difference in behaviour of employees and staff by establishing role models from senior leaders, influence leaders & critical mass of employees
  • Understanding & conviction for change management
    • To handle change its pivotal for members of the organisation to realise that what is being asked for and does it make sense. Therefore, it is an imperative to establish transparent communication process involving two way mechanism to clearly identify differences if any
  • Building confidence & skill
    • Through our change management services your organisation shall see lasting impact of enhanced skill level powered by confidence to respond opportunities through a sustained refreshing pool of talent
  • Designing reinforcement mechanisms
    • For business & supporting system, post any change management process it is natural to experience certain consequences which may impact the core organisational design therefore, through our change management services we are very particular towards this consequence management by putting reinforcement mechanisms which does not impact organisational core design but leads to systems & processes which support favourable changes
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How do we manage the change journey?

In an unpredictable and disruptions (whether enforced or natural) led market environment organisations in today's era are expected to simultaneously deliver fast results & sustainable growth to survive the competitive environment. Consequently, they are being forced to adapt and change to an unprecented degree in which leaders have to make quick decisions, managers have to react more spontaneously to both opportunities & threats and employees on the frontline have to be more flexible & collaborative. Therefore, in all mastering the art of change is now identified as a critical competitive edge for which our change management services are aptly suited. This is so that now companies have chosen to move beyond definitive period strategic plans or long range plans & forge initiatives in a compressed period while competing with known & unknown forces.
Our change management services enables following objectives for your organisation while engaging in change management across functions:

  • Breaking down silos & boosting cross functional collaboration
    • We through our change management services first identify the most complex issue which the companies have long struggled to tide over i.e. breaking down the silos & boosting cross functional collaboration. The speed of market change requires more rapid adaptation of products & services while your end consumers increasingly expect better services through a single face. This results in complex procedures which typically organisations give a miss but our change management services stick to improving processes by stretching targets, empowering cross functional teams and tightening up execution.
  • Sidestep hierarchy to shorten decision making process
    • We focus on creating direct connections among people across organisation that allows them to sidestep cumbersome & typical hierarchical protocols thereby shortening the decision making process. It not only fosters quick decision making but also help identifying priorities and increases accountabilities.
  • Demonstrating organisational progress
    • Organisational change is quite similar to turning a ship wherein people in front can see the change but at the back hardly witness for a while. To communicate this change and the organisational progress it is important to sensitise one and all in the organisation towards the common goal. More than often once the change is realised the actions further gets streamlined & the objectives go granular and quantified for easy achievement.

What includes in our approach to lead large scale changes

If you are not familiar yet with our change management services benefits, here's an overview:


Sensing the need of change

This typically involves an iterative round off interactions with senior leaders at organisation to understand the need of change for organisation through their personal experiences.


Pre-sensing awareness based action

This involves in exploring the personal iceberg of behaviour spanning through leaders, influencers & employees alike. This enables us through a modular design of change management process which is fact based and action oriented.


Discovering sustainable practices to effect change as lasting

We connect with different hierarchical levels in the organisation to understand their choices, mindsets & behavioural shifts to discover sustainable practices to lead change.

More market research, advisory & consulting services to discover

At Eninrac, we offer a wide range of market research, advisory & consulting solutions, from Business Intelligence to Benchmarking services. We put ‘search’ in research to help expand your business with ease. Discover all the possibilities now.


Advisory & Consulting Services

Eninrac advisory & consulting services identify and qualify all opportunities offered by market discontinuities. Whether you are looking to maximize operational efficiency or invest in business growth, our experts can guide you through the process.

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Market Research Services

Market research is instrumental to determine opportunity for businesses. With Eninrac you get access to market information that is accurate & absolute in nature, processed from big data. Find the right market research service offering that matches your business.

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Transformation & Sustainability

For any successful transformation it is important to promote productive behaviour and skills which energise organisation's work force in a manner to achieve sustained results.

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Training & Pro-Bono Services

We support our pro-bono clients in exactly the same manner as we do for our standard clients offering full length and breadth of our services. Further, we don't only endeavour to train but provide an environment where people at businesses can learn, adapt, think & apply.

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Get in touch

For expert advice and tailored solutions to meet your needs, contact our Vice President.

For Research/Consulting

Ravi Shekhar

Managing Director at Eninrac

For Research & Consulting Enquiry

For Business Enquiry

Nitika Shrma

Vice President at Eninrac

Do you want to seek Eninrac assistance in helping you resolve some critical business issues? Engage with us and reach out to our experts by using the Request for Proposal (RFP) form.


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