Open Access Advisory & Management Services

Steering Businesses Committed to Renewable Energy & Achieving Carbon Neutrality

The Open Access market presents a unique landscape for businesses committed to renewable energy and carbon neutrality. While abundant opportunities exist, navigating the regulatory intricacies, market dynamics, and evolving technology landscape can be a complex challenge. Eninrac approaches this challenge with a data-driven, analytical approach, empowering businesses like yours to make informed decisions and chart a successful course towards clean energy goals. The coporate PPAs/OA Market offers immense possibilities for firms committed to RE and carbon neutrality. While it offers multitude of opportunities, challenges can be umpteen as well. Eninrac with its tailored solutions enables your businesses green & sustainable development goals oriented to reduce carbon footprits


Eninrac understands the complexities of navigating the evolving Open Access market in India. Our tailored suite of advisory & consulting services is designed to steer your business comitted to renewable energy & achieving carbon neutrality

Connect with your ideal C&I Customers (Third Party Consumers)

This service facilitates connections between businesses and their ideal Commercial and Industrial (C&I) customers, within the Open Access Market in India. It involves targeted outreach and relationship-building to drive partnerships and transactions, enabling businesses to expand their client base and capitalize on opportunities within the C&I segment. We offer:

  • Targeted Prospecting
    • We identify your ideal Commercial & Industrial (C&I) consumers based on their energy needs, location, and sustainability goals.
  • Compelling Pitches
    • Our expert team crafts tailor-made proposals that highlight your strengths and resonate with potential customers.
  • Expert Guidance
    • Our team will assess your energy requirements, risk tolerance, and budget to create a customized market entry strategy.
  • Product Selection
    • We help you choose the right trading products across various platforms like IEX and PXIL, including Green Term Ahead Market (GTAM), Day Ahead Market (TAM), and Contingency Contracts.
  • Negotiation & Contract Management Support
    • We guide you through negotiations & contracts framework ensuring you secure mutually beneficial agreements.

Monetize your Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

Businesses with global operations face a growing responsibility to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability across international markets. However, navigating different regulatory landscapes, complex energy mixes, and limited access to renewable energy can hinder progress. Eninrac empowers our clients to overcome these challenges with industry-leading International REC solutions. We offer:

  • Secure Best Possible Prices for RECs
    • We leverage our deep understanding of both domestic and international REC markets to secure the best possible price for your certificates.
  • Strategic guidance
    • Our experts evaluate your current energy consumption and sustainability objectives to recommend the ideal REC type, quantity, and sourcing strategy.
  • Global reach
    • Access premium I-RECs from certified renewable projects worldwide, expanding your impact beyond local limitations
  • Regulatory Compliance
    • Our team ensures you comply with all relevant regulations and procedures for REC trading.
  • Reporting and analysis
    • We provide detailed reports on your REC purchases, showcasing their contribution to your overall ESG performance and carbon footprint reduction.

Optimize Power Scheduling & Forecasting for New & Operating RE Power Projects

Focus on what you do best - generating clean energy - while Eninrac's comprehensive forecasting & scheduling services handle the market complexities. We empower wind and solar generators to participate seamlessly in the Green Power market, ensuring compliance and maximizing revenue potential. We offer:

  • Cutting-Edge Solutions
    • Our team leverages advanced tools and expertise to create accurate power generation forecasts and submit schedules, ensuring market compliance and optimized revenue potential.
  • Hassle-Free Market Access
    • We act as your single point of contact, managing all interactions with Power System Operators (SLDCs/RLDCs) and facilitating smooth grid integration.
  • Financial Settlement & De-pooling
    • We manage the financial settlement process with SLDCs/RLDCs and ensure proper de-pooling of applicable charges for transparent and timely payments.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
    • Gain valuable insights into your production patterns to make informed business decisions.

Secure Power for Captive/Group Captive Consumers

Imagine stable energy costs, a reduced carbon footprint, and a competitive edge. As a Captive or Group Captive consumer, these are within reach with our specialized matchmaking and tailored PPAs. Let us connect you with clean, renewable energy solutions that meet your unique needs and budget. We offer:

  • Matchmaking Expertise
    • We connect you with Captive/Group Captive consumers seeking reliable and cost-effective renewable energy sources.
  • Tailored Solutions
    • We understand the unique needs of Captive/Group Captive consumers and design customized power purchase agreements (PPAs).
  • Long-Term Partnerships
    • We facilitate mutually beneficial collaborations that drive sustainable growth for both parties.

Stay Ahead of the Curve with Expert Analysis

Stay ahead of the curve in the dynamic Open Access market with our expert analysis and proactive planning. Our dedicated team keeps a keen eye on all regulatory and policy developments, ensuring you're never caught off guard. Beyond just tracking, we deliver in-depth insights tailored to your business. We analyze the long-term implications of each change, providing you with clear information and actionable guidance. Don't wait for challenges to emerge. We work with you to adapt your strategies, helping you seize opportunities and mitigate risks before they arise. Here's how we empower you:

  • Comprehensive Tracking
    • Our dedicated team constantly monitors the Open Access market, ensuring you're fully aware of all regulatory and policy developments.
  • Case Studies
    • We deliver in-depth case studies tailored to your business, revealing the long-term implications of each change on your specific situation.
  • Proactive Planning
    • We don't just inform you – we collaborate to adapt your strategies, helping you seize opportunities and mitigate challenges before they arise.

Get in touch

For expert advice and tailored solutions to meet your needs, contact our Senior Manager.

Anurag Dubey

Senior Manager at Eninrac


Combine market knowledge and your skill to contribute value for end consumers


State Wise Progress under PM-KUSUM Scheme - India


Details of IPPs under Green Energy Open Access in Karnataka


Renewable Energy Landscape in Andhra Pradesh


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