Benchmarking Services

Relevant benchmarking services to reduce cost competitiveness and secure operational excellence

Although many businesses do well on optimising the cost and improving performance of their assets but price & margin pressures are relentless, so achieving a competitive cost edge remains a vital objective.


Engage our benchmarking services to conduct wide range of variance analysis to develop winning growth strategies for your business

What are Benchmarking Services (BS)?

Benchmarking services involve an array of exercises involved to discover your organisation's relative performance it has against it's competitors. If your business aims to become world class you need to gain holistic understanding in order to outperform competition. Thus, benchmarking service arms you to discover actual standing in the market whether it relates to your products, services or financial status.

Typically, one of the most important benchmarking exercise involves customer and competitive benchmarking. Companies that win drive customer value better than the competition in a financially superior way. Therefore, our benchmarking services are oriented to unlock the understanding in customer value preposition vs competitor's to design winning and sustainable growth strategies.

Learn how eninrac works

How does benchmarking service enables you with a defined edge?

It is indeed a quintessential requirement for any business and product to be pitted against the competition and level a benchmark to achieve and innovate more in order to edge past them. Through rich experience into diverse industry segments, our consultants are aptly positioned to generate the operations and product benchmarks for different companies and markets

  • Product Benchmarking
    • We leverage our deep understanding especially in Indian market to develop benchmarks for the products of the clients and competitors. We involve in parametric benchmarks for a specific product and as per the prevailing market conditions and challenges.
  • Operations Benchmarking
    • We help our client whether at start of a business or completely established to evolve with operations benchmarks by measuring theirs with leading player in that domain. We are flexible in terms of service to develop benchmarks as per client need or customize it as per our experiences.
  • Services Benchmarking
    • This type of benchmarking is necessary for the clients involved in the selected category of pre-product sales and post sale services like O&M and support services etc. We offer this solution to clients keen about learning discount margins and facilities rendered as terms of sales.

We therefore, specialise in internal, technical industry & functional benchmarking for our clients in order to orient their products, services, operations at par to the respective standards of benchmarks.

By utilising our benchmarking services you will have access to the host of creative changes across operational & functional domain that your competition have already enacted

Here's what our benchmarking services offers to the clients


Learn dimensions of your value prepositions that are important to your target customers

Through our benchmarking services you can have a deep dive on how your company compares to competitors on critical dimensions that are pivotal to position your value preposition to the target customers.


Comparing current performances to that of historical averages

Our benchmarking services include longitudinal benchmarking which is perceived as easiest form and serves as a very important tool to learn through comparison of current performance of your business to that if historical averages & high watermarks.


Have a streamlined customer orientation with commercial excellence and structural capacity reduction

For your business to command a price premium and even more important increase customer loyalty, your company needs to have product specifications which can help protecting the market positions as well as integrate value added services & sales force effectiveness

More market research, advisory & consulting services to discover

At Eninrac, we offer a wide range of market research, advisory & consulting solutions, from Business Intelligence to Benchmarking services. We put ‘search’ in research to help expand your business with ease. Discover all the possibilities now.


Market Research Services

Market research is instrumental to determine opportunity for businesses. With Eninrac you get access to market information that is accurate & absolute in nature, processed from big data. Find the right market research service offering that matches your business.

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Strategy & Innovation

Through eninrac's strategy & innovation services your business shall develop an approach that's thorough, action oriented & in semblance with debate and ambiguity.

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Transformation & Sustainability

For any successful transformation it is important to promote productive behaviour and skills which energise organisation's work force in a manner to achieve sustained results.

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Training & Pro-Bono Services

We support our pro-bono clients in exactly the same manner as we do for our standard clients offering full length and breadth of our services. Further, we don't only endeavour to train but provide an environment where people at businesses can learn, adapt, think & apply.

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Get in touch

For expert advice and tailored solutions to meet your needs, contact our Vice President.

For Research/Consulting

Ravi Shekhar

Managing Director at Eninrac

For Business Enquiry

Nitika Shrma

Vice President at Eninrac

Do you want to seek Eninrac assistance in helping you resolve some critical business issues? Engage with us and reach out to our experts by using the Request for Proposal (RFP) form.


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