Mr. Ravi Shekhar, Director & Head, of Eninrac Consulting says “Long duration energy storage are attracting unprecedented interests from Governments, utilities and transmission operators globally and is expected to be same for India as well. The investments in the sector is gaining momentum in India as well. For LDES to be cost optimal the current costs must decrease by a tune of 60%. However, with technological advancement greater decline is also possible with solar and wind energy. Between 2022-2040, a whopping US$1.5 Trillion to US$ 3 Trillion of investments would be required globally. This investments shall be comparable to the cumulative investments in T&D systems every 2 to 4 years. For India LDES can play a critical and unique role as renewables would be taking a center stage in generation and will call for system flexibility on times ranging from hours to week. Mechanical energy storage with focus on pumped storage (PSH) plants and electrochemical storage solutions are likely to be expanding its base in coming decade.”
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