Tata Power Trading

Market Response

Tata Power Trading

Unearthing potential & exploitable business opportunities across pan India for open access

When Government of India introduced Green Open Access Rules (GOAR) last year in June 2022, it opened plethora of opportunities for power trading companies & GENCO’s into the C&I segment. Learn how team Eninrac assisted one of the leading power trading house in India, unleashing business opportunities across Indian states for open access.

What was the study about?

Examining the open access market potential for commercial & industrial consumers in India

The client wishes to have extensive access to the set of consumers willing to operate on both captive & group captive models under the wattage range extending from
1 MW spread across major C&I categories primarily coupled with asset ownership belonging to the consumer. . coupled with asset ownership belonging to the consumer.

Focus areas of the study

The objective of the study was to identify clear go-to-markets for the client per se open access

The client wishes to evaluate open access business opportunities across 15 Indian states – Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Haryana, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Kerala, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Rajasthan, Odisha & West Bengal. The targeted C&I categories that the client was interested in our – datacenters, corporate buildings/parks, IT/ITES parks, industrial estates, cement, textile, industrial gases, plastic, refineries, distilleries, ceramics, automotive, pharma, FMCG, heavy manufacturing, etc.

Eninrac’s approach for the study

To cater to the client’s requirements, the study was broadly classified into four phases

The scope was broadly classified under four phases –

Phase I: Examining the state-wise qualified potential for open access. This included:

  • State-wise estimation of the total potential for OA for C&I consumers
  • Estimation of qualified potential for OA transactions
  • Policy framework and coal marketing strategy for pan India scale up

Phase II: Understanding the OA market dynamics in India & business case feasibility indexation of potential sites:

  • Current status & highlights of open access market
  • State-wise policy environment & drivers

Phase III: Examining the exploitable potential & savings:

  • Estimation of exploitable potential & potential savings to the customers

Phase IV:  Major C&I consumers track, RE waivers & case studies of legal issues:

  • Track major C&I consumers & their current power procurement modes

Eninrac’s recommendations

Key prepositions & recommendations suggested by Eninrac to the client

  • Adaptive approach as per the evolving market dynamics for both renewable and new energies shall be a game changer for the client to have a long run sustainable business
  • Organizing buyers’ meet separately for both power distribution utilities & the C&I consumers
  • To function as an integrated service provider for C&I consumers wherein it facilitates direct access to the client’s Power Renewable Assets
  • Associating with channel partners in both established and upcoming OA markets in order to seize advantage on higher volume market transaction and long tern prospects
  • Deployment of BESS (Battery Energy Storage Solutions) for the large consumers or heavily industrialized pockets to offer round the clock support for the consumers
  • Preparing to offer green hydrogen trade so that a low-cost option can evolve for a demand center like India
  • Look out to countries like Nepal, Bhutan & Bangladesh to set up a dedicated power trading arm in the said countries

Do you want to seek Eninrac assistance in helping you resolve some critical business issues? Engage with us and reach out to our experts by using the Request for Proposal (RFP) form.


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